Serbian-born musician/composer Suba was about to become one of Brazil's most prominent producers when he tragically tragically passed away in November 1999. Suba left us just a few days after the release of his now-legendary album São Paulo Confessions (probably the most inspired album of electronic music to have come out of Brazil), and shortly before the completion of Bebel Gilberto's Tanto Tempo album, which was graced by his outstanding production work.
São Paulo Confessions has become a major cult album. It can be described as a soulful journey through the southern hemisphere’s largest megalopolis. Based on a great mixture of acoustic + electronic beats & instruments, it contains several memorable songs, including Felicidade, Sereia and Tantos Desejos, 3 songs which marked Cibelle's recording debuts. Also appearing are vocalists Katia B and Taciana, as well as Nordeste band Mestre Ambrosio, master percussionist João Parahyba, and poet/rocker Arnaldo Antunes.
From the original 1999 press release:
'SÃO PAULO CONFESSIONS' is musician/ composer/ producer Suba's musical account of life in the humid, foggy and manic megalopolis.
Surrounded by a core group consisting of 21-year old vocalist Cibelle and veteran master percussionist João Parahyba, Suba has created a soulful record full of atmospheres, textures and rhythms, based on a delicate mixture of traditional instruments and electronics, and containing a series of lovely songs performed by Cibelle and by guest vocalists Katia B., Taciana, Joana Jones and Arnaldo Antunes.
Other guests appearing on the album include Nordeste band Mestre Ambrosio, and guitarists Roberto Frejat, Edgar Scandurra and Andre Geraissatti.
São Paulo, Brazil. The world's fourth megalopolis with over 18 million souls, and more arriving everyday. A stressful maze of massive skyscrapers, kilometric avenues and relentless chaos. Think "Blade Runner" in the Tropics. Life in São Paulo is fast, crazy and dangerous, as reality changes constantly. The city is full of people from all over Brazil and foreigners, all trying to make sense out of it. With time and patience to dig deep enough, you can make discovery after discovery, you find very strange people and very special places... Here, they call me Gringo Paulista. I've been in this city for 10 years, and it already feels like I've lived several, parallel Paulista lives...
Mitar Subotic aka Suba, October 1999