Her debut album established her as one of the most original and seductive young artists to come out of Brazil. Before making a giant leap forward with the "Shine Of Dried Electric Leaves" album, Cibelle put out this limited-edition EP, which points towards the imaginative new directions she had been exploring (more folk, more microbeats, more sonic inventivity...). It was also an opportunity to develop various other facets of her talents: she co-produced the music and worked on the artwork as well as the videos.
"About A Girl" is a quick, guided tour through this extraordinary young woman's world... but it's also the title of an early song by Nirvana, of which Cibelle gives a very personal rendering in this EP.
The CD side of this DualDisc contains four exclusive songs:
1. about a girl
2. esplendor
3. gracefully
4. noite de carnaval
They were recorded in São Paulo & London, and produced by Cibelle with Mike Lindsay from Tunng.
As for the DVD side, it contains four videos:
about a girl
brainless on tour
The first one was made by Elsa Dahmani (daughter of Gypsy/French filmmaker Tony Gatlif, who directed Latcho Drom and Exils), while the other three were shot and edited by Cibelle herself.