1. Tori. Près de la soierie
2. Les traces d'un pont
3. Ces lignes tremblées et l'absence de couleurs vives
4. Partout du sable
5. Qui regarde
6. Joyeux regrets imprécis
7. Hommes assis devant un mur chaulé
To hear excerpts of all tracks, go here, and hit the 'play' button at bottom left
Electronics go hand in hand with acoustics to conjure images of deserts and sand. "Nebka" is an Arabic word which describes a sand dune formed by the wind around an obstacle.
After "Douzieme Journée" and "A Propos d'un paysage" (created in collaboration with Steven Brown), this is the 3rd volume of Benjamin Lew's poetical & inimitable electronic sound journeys.
"Nebka" was produced by Gilles Martin, and includes performances by Marc Hollander, and by Tuxedomoon members Steven Brown & Blaine Reininger.