"Douzieme Journee: le Verbe, la Parure, l'Amour"
2. Passage
3. De l'autre côté du fleuve
4. L'Ile, l'hôtel
5. Aveugle depuis
6. Elle avança
7. Dans les jardins
To hear excerpts of all tracks, go here, and hit the 'play' button at bottom left
A photographer, writer and poet of the analog synth, Benjamin Lew used to work as a mixer of exotic cocktails in a bar which was haunted by Tuxedomoon's sax-player, and by the rest of the American Lost Generation of early Eighties Brussels. The encounter gave birth to one of these discreet but unforgettable minor miracles which take place sometimes...
The fact that the title of the resulting album ("Douzieme Journee: le Verbe, la Parure, l'Amour") is taken from a book (by ethnographer Marcel Griaule) on the cosmogony of the Dogon people of West Africa points to the magical and radically alien dimension of this music.